Skyraider AB Knapp 1 Knapp 2


Aerodynamic efficiency saves fuel.

Boundary layer control and maximized laminar flow makes electric flight possible.

Hydrodynamics makes power

Kaplan, Francis and mixed flow Deriaz turbines are in our scope of work.

Design, prototyping, building and testing, From CFD to 5-axis machining.

Aeronautical Engineering

Aerodynamic and flight mechanical analysis will bring order to your flowfield!

What we do

Skyraider is an aerospace engineering company with modern tools.

We use DWESoft data aquisition and analysis system for measurement of complex flow fields

Structural Dynamics 

FEM analysis and unsteady aerodynamics simulations with Linflow

CFD for subsonic to supersonic flow.

Who we are:

Jari Hyvärinen Tekn. Lic, Msc

Dan Borgström Msc


Skicka in

Contact data for visiting:

Hangarvägen 13   691 35 Karlskoga